Sale! 17HS8401S Stepper Motor (1.7 A, 0.59 Nm) View larger

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17HS8401S Stepper Motor (1.7 A, 0.59 Nm)


New product

• Low noise

• Low heat

• Smooth operation

• Good acceleration performance

See description for more details about the product.

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The structure is stable, not card machine!

Speed silver set, low noise!

High quality, big torque!

High-performance, 100% pure copper enameled wire!

Technical specifications:

Step Angle: 1.8 degrees
Current: 1.7 A
Holding torque: 0.59 Nm
Inductance: 3.2 mH
Body: 42 x 42 mm
Length: 47 mm
Shaft diameter: 5 mm
Shaft length: 22 mm
Weight: 380 g



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Foarte bune

le folosesc pentru o imprimanta corexy si sunt destul de impresionat de performanta lor avand in vedere ca sunt destul de ieftine. aceleratii destul de mari 20k x 16k y.

  • 4 out of 4 people found this review useful.


Rosiu - A1
Albastru- A2
Verde- B1
Negru- B2
A1-A2 este prima infasurare
B1-B2 este a doua infasurare.
Merge bine cu un driver DRV8834 si Arduino Uno

  • 15 out of 15 people found this review useful.

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17HS8401S Stepper Motor (1.7 A, 0.59 Nm)

17HS8401S Stepper Motor (1.7 A, 0.59 Nm)

• Low noise

• Low heat

• Smooth operation

• Good acceleration performance

See description for more details about the product.

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