LTC3780 Synchronous Buck-Boost Power Supply with Adjustable Current and Voltage View larger

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LTC3780 Synchronous Buck-Boost Power Supply with Adjustable Current and Voltage


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LTC3780 Buck-Boost synchronous Buck-Boost with adjustable current and voltage (Up / Down) in your projects where you need to maintain a constant output voltage regardless of the main power supply value.

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Technical specifications

  • Input voltage: 5 V - 32 V DC
  • Output voltage: 1 V - 30 V DC
  • Long-term output current: 5 A
  • Enhanced heat dissipation output: 8 A
  • Output current on peak: 10 A
  • Long-term maximum output power: 80 W
  • Max peak output power: 130 W
  • Output Rip: 50 mV
  • Operating temperature: -45 ~ 85 degrees Celsius
  • Short-circuit protection

Dimensions: 77.6 x 46.5 x 15 mm.

This product is an adjustable buck - boost source. It has the capability to keep the constant output voltage, regardless of whether the input voltage drops below the output value or increases over. The source has 3 adjustable potentiometers, ie output voltage regulation, maximum output current regulation and minimum input voltage regulation.

The role of each of the three potentiometers can be seen in the presentation images. The ability to adjust the minimum input voltage helps to protect your overcharge batteries and keep them in good condition. In most cases, even if the source is able to maintain the output voltage even if the voltage drops greatly, it is advisable not to fall below a value of 3.1 - 3.3 V per cell of a LiPo battery.

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Cred ca pozele sunt de la modelul anterior. Modelul primit de mine este cu doua radiatoare negre montate pe tranzistori.
La prima alimentare, la 12V, s-a aprins LED-ul de FAULT iar la iesire nu prezenta tensiune. Dupa cateva cautari pe net am gasit explicatia. Este din cauza setarii din fabrica a tensiunii minime de intrare care este setata mai sus de 12V. Trebuie rotit in sens trigonometric (sens contrar acelor de ceasornic) rezistorul VV-SET de langa LED-ul FAULT.

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LTC3780 Synchronous Buck-Boost Power Supply with Adjustable Current and Voltage

LTC3780 Synchronous Buck-Boost Power Supply with Adjustable Current and Voltage

LTC3780 Buck-Boost synchronous Buck-Boost with adjustable current and voltage (Up / Down) in your projects where you need to maintain a constant output voltage regardless of the main power supply value.

See description for more details about the product.

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