XL4015 5 A Adjustable Step Down DC-DC Module (4 - 38 V Input) View larger

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XL4015 5 A Adjustable Step Down DC-DC Module (4 - 38 V Input)


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This is a XL4015 5A adjustable step-down DC-DC module which is useful for your projects. This module can be a source of voltage and current for your projects.

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This is a XL4015 5 A adjustable step-down DC-DC module which is useful for your projects. This module can be a source of voltage and current for your projects.

This module can be used in wide range of applications such as battery charger and more.


  • Input Voltage : 4 V to 38 V
  • Output Voltage: 1.25 V to 36 V
  • Output Current: 0 A to 5 A
  • Operating Temperature: -40 oC to +85 oC
  • Operating Frequency : 180 KHz
  • Conversion Efficiency: up to 96%
  • Load Regulation: S ( I ) ≤ 0.8%
  • Voltage Regulation: S ( u ) ≤ 0.8%

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Ideal pt alimentare module.

Pai nu era deloc ideal sa pui un potențiometru mare acolo. Unul multitura asigura precizia alimentarii precise. La o placa sensibila cu alimentare cu 5v cu procesoare....nu ai vrea sa te trezești ca deodată ai băgat 9v și...ai ars placa de sute de dolari...

  • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.

Sursa excelenta

Am inlocuit potentiometrul cu unul rotund pus pe panou si i-am adaugat un voltmetru digital. Merge perfect

  • 3 out of 4 people found this review useful.

sursa coboratoare

era minunat daca avea potentiometru normal nu multitur pentru reglaj si montare pe panou

  • 4 out of 10 people found this review useful.

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XL4015 5 A Adjustable Step Down DC-DC Module (4 - 38 V Input)

XL4015 5 A Adjustable Step Down DC-DC Module (4 - 38 V Input)

This is a XL4015 5A adjustable step-down DC-DC module which is useful for your projects. This module can be a source of voltage and current for your projects.

See description for more details about the product.

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