40P ZIF Socket View larger

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40P ZIF Socket


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40P ZIF Socket

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This 40 pin ZIF (zero insertion force) socket is ideal for boards where the integrated circuit is replaced often, for microcontroller programmers and for IC testers.

Pitch: 2.54 mm

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o idee ar fi ptr ca nu incap integrate cu distanta intre randuri

sa se puna doua socluri si sa se foloseasca doar un rand de la un soclu pentru o parte a integratului !

  • 3 out of 3 people found this review useful.

Prea lat pentru ATMega 328

L-am cumparat, insa este prea lat pentru microcontrollerul ATmega328p-PU.

OptimusDigital, aveti soclu ZIF potrivit ca marime pentru ATmega328p-PU?

  • 14 out of 15 people found this review useful.

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40P ZIF Socket

40P ZIF Socket

40P ZIF Socket

See description for more details about the product.

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