SG90 Micro Servo Motor View larger

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SG90 Micro Servo Motor


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This mini servo motor is designed for radio control system applications. This package includes different types of servo horns and fittings, in order to suit the most exigent applications.

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This mini servo motor is designed for radio control system applications. It is also convenient to be used in RC robots, RC helicopters, planes, cars and other models. This package includes different types of servo horns and fittings, in order to suit the most exigent applications.


  • Servo Dimension: 21.5 mm x 11.8 mm x 22.7 mm
  • Operating Speed: 0.12 seconds / 60 degrees @ 4.8 V
  • Stall Torque: 1.2 to 1.4 kg / cm (4.8 V)
  • Operating Temperature Range: -30oC to +60oC
  • Deadband Width: 7 microseconds
  • Operating Voltage Range: 3.5 V to 6 V

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bun pentru orice

eu l-am modificat sa fie un servo continuu 360 dezactivat mecanic limitarile de la potentiometru si de pe rotita plus rezistente 2K2 intre pin 1-2 si 2-3 ale potentiometrului, si i-am marit si viteza renuntant la o rotita si lipind cu superglue cele 2 rotite de pe axul de potentiometru

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SG90 Micro Servo Motor

SG90 Micro Servo Motor

This mini servo motor is designed for radio control system applications. This package includes different types of servo horns and fittings, in order to suit the most exigent applications.

See description for more details about the product.

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