Robot Chasis (4 motors) View larger

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Robot Chasis (4 motors)


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This is a very simple and easy to install 4 motors robot kit which is perfect for your smart car or robot projects.

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This robot kit is a ZX-4WD car model and the kit includes 4 wheels, 4 DC gear motors, 2 chassis, 4-speed encoder disks, screws, and nuts.

Package Includes

  • 4 x wheel
  • 4 x DC gear motor
  • 4 x speed encoder disk
  • 2 x chassis
  • Screws and nuts
  • 4 x battery holder

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Conform asteptarilor. Am utilizat mai multe, toate functionale.
E anevoios sa dai jos hartia de protectie de pe placile de plastic. Firele electrice sunt cam subtiri si rotile intra greu pe axul de la motor, trebuie pilite unele imperfectiuni ale butucului de la roata.

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Robot Chasis (4 motors)

Robot Chasis (4 motors)

This is a very simple and easy to install 4 motors robot kit which is perfect for your smart car or robot projects.

See description for more details about the product.

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