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Plusivo Pi 4 Kit (without Board and without Card) - Damaged box


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Plusivo Pi 4 Kit (without Board and without Card) - Damaged box

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28,99 lei
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-15,00 lei

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The Plusivo Pi 4 Super Starter kit is ideal for electronics enthusiasts and very useful for getting started with the Raspberry Pi development environment. In addition, thanks to the guide included for this kit, any enthusiast can start creating simple, or even complex projects, even if he has not used a development board before. For most sensors and components in the kit, detailed lessons and commented codes are available, so working with different sensors will become easier.

You can find below the table of contents for the guide:

1. Install and configure NOOBS
2. Lesson 1: Blink an LED
3. Lesson 2: Dim an LED
4. Lesson 3: RGB LED
5. Lesson 4: Dimming an RGB LED
6. Lesson 5: Controlling a motor
7. Lesson 6: Ultrasonic HC-SR04+
8. Lesson 7: RGB LED and Ultrasonic
9. Lesson 8: Digital Inputs
10. Lesson 9: Control an LED using push buttons
11. Lesson 10: Buzzer
12. Lesson 11: Buzzer and Digital Inputs
13. Lesson 12: Buzzer and Ultrasonic
14. Lesson 13: Play song with a buzzer
15. Theory lesson: Object-Orienteed Programming (OOP)
16. Lesson 14: DHT11

17. Lesson 15: Servo Motor
18. Lesson 16: Setting up a web server using BottlePy
19. Theory lesson: Web pages
20. Lesson 17: Control an LED from web
21. Lesson 18: Dim an LED from web
22. Lesson 19: Dim an RGB LED from web
23. Lesson 20: Control a motor from web
24. Lesson 21: Display the distance in web
25. Lesson 22: Display temperature and humidity in a browser
26. Lesson 23: Buzzer from web
27. Lesson 24: Set the frequency of a buzzer from web
28. Lesson 25: Piano
29. Lesson 26: Piano with 7 octaves
30. Lesson 27: Shift Register
31. Lesson 28: Multiple Shift Registers
32. Lesson 29: 4 Digit 7 Segment Display

You can notice that we have simple lessons and lessons with web pages, but, also, we have theory lessons where the used concepts are explained.


A premium kit with detailed instructions in a high quality storage box.

Included in the kit:

• 1 m HDMI - micro-HDMI cable
• 5V, 3 A USB Type C power supply
• 5 5 mm blue LEDs
• 5 5 mm red LEDs
• 5 5 mm yellow LEDs
• 5 5 mm green LEDs
• 5 5 mm white LEDs
• 5 mm RGB LED with common cathode
• 11 sets of resistors with 10 pieces/set

• 10 Ω
• 100 Ω
• 150 Ω
• 220 Ω
• 330 Ω
• 1 kΩ

• 2 kΩ
• 5.1 kΩ
• 10 kΩ
• 100 kΩ
• 1 MΩ

• MPU6050 Accelerometer and Gyroscope
• Breadboard 830p

• L293D motor driver
• Set of 65 male-male jumper wires for breadboard
• 100 nF ceramic capacitor
• HC-SR04+ ultrasonic sensor
• 5 push buttons
• SG90 90° servomotor
• Photoresistor
• 4 NPN 2N2222 transistors;
• DHT11 Temperature and humidity sensor compatible with 3.3 V
• 2 1N4007 diodes
• 2 74HC595 shift registers
• 4 Digit 7 Segment display with common cathode
• Red Ledbar
• DC Motor
• Propeller
• 5 V relay
• Set of 10 20 cm male-female wires
• Passive buzzer

Wireless Kit Leaflet Front.png

All the components come in a durable plastic storage box that will help you keep the parts well organized and easy to find. It is also very compact and you can take it wherever you go and have all the necessary parts required for any project.

Don't delay, buy today.


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Plusivo Pi 4 Kit (without Board and without Card) - Damaged box

Plusivo Pi 4 Kit (without Board and without Card) - Damaged box

Plusivo Pi 4 Kit (without Board and without Card) - Damaged box

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