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Relay Module with 5A Overcurrent Protection (12 V Power Supply)


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Relay Module with 5A Overcurrent Protection (12 V Power Supply)

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19 Items

19,99 lei
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Relay Module with 5A Overcurrent Protection (12 V Power Supply)


  • Operating voltage: DC 12V;
  • Operating current: <20 MA;
  • Operating frequency range: 20 Hz ~ 400 Hz;

VCC: Positive operating voltage

GND: Ground

NO: Normally open

COM: Common terminal, relay common interface

NC: Normally closed terminal

Adjust the potentiometer clockwise to reduce the detection current.

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Relay Module with 5A Overcurrent Protection (12 V Power Supply)

Relay Module with 5A Overcurrent Protection (12 V Power Supply)

Relay Module with 5A Overcurrent Protection (12 V Power Supply)

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