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Blue Optoisolated 8 Relay Module


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This module allows you to control several high voltage devices, like the home appliances, using a 5 V signal.

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The 8-relay module is useful for controlling multiple high voltage devices using development pads such as Arduino.

This relay module can control high voltage devices, like the home appliances, using a 5V signal. Each relay is controlled by an optocoupler and needed 5 mA to control current. 

It is capable to work with voltages up to 250 VAC and supports currents up to 10 A, making it ideal for home automation.

For example, you can remote control various home appliances remotely, via the internet or Bluetooth, using an Arduino development pad and the necessary shields.


  • Voltage: 250 VAC or 30 VDC
  • Maximum current: 10 A
  • Each relay is commanded by an optocoupler
  • Optocoupler connection voltage: 5 V
  • Current required for control: 5 mA
  • Dimension: 13.8 cm x 5.6 cm x 1.93 cm

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Merg perfect pe raspberry cu python. Se incalzesc putin.

  • 3 out of 4 people found this review useful.


am comandat mai mult, toate au ajuns ok si functionale. recomand

  • 2 out of 4 people found this review useful.


Desi initial am fost un pic dezamagit, deoarece pinii erau indoiti, si primul comentariu nu a fost aprobat, dau oricum un calificativ de 5 stele dupa testare

L-am testat cu placut Arduino Mega 2560 R3, desi merge pe oricare Arduino direct conectata, nu este necesar un alt shield de Arduino
LED indicator pentru fiecare releu stiind care este alimentat si care nu
Alte comentarii dupa ce mai incerc cateva aplicatii

  • 11 out of 12 people found this review useful.


Multumit de comanda, desi pinii de conectare au ajuns indoiti la transport, va rog sa puneti un buretel pe toti pinii la alte comenzi, pana si cel cu jumper era indoit, numai 3 stele din aceasta cauza

  • 9 out of 10 people found this review useful.

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Blue Optoisolated 8 Relay Module

Blue Optoisolated 8 Relay Module

This module allows you to control several high voltage devices, like the home appliances, using a 5 V signal.

See description for more details about the product.

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