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Relay Module with Temperature Sensor


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This module contains a relay that can operate both DC and AC voltages at a maximum current of 10A. It works independently from the microcontroller because it has a temperature sensor included.

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Automatically check the temperature with this module. You can choose a temperature range and set the logic (it can start in that range or it can stop within the chosen temperature range).


  • Compatible with AC (250 V) or DC (30 V) voltages, the maximum allowable current is 10A in both cases
  • Power supply at 5 V and low current consumption, 150 mA
  • Potentiometer for temperature selection
  • Dimensions: 50 x 26 x 19mm
  • 3 mm holes

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Relay Module with Temperature Sensor

Relay Module with Temperature Sensor

This module contains a relay that can operate both DC and AC voltages at a maximum current of 10A. It works independently from the microcontroller because it has a temperature sensor included.

See description for more details about the product.

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