12 V Relay with Timer and Display View larger

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12 V Relay with Timer and Display


New product

This module has advanced quality timing chip control and accurate timing performance commonly used in car modification, motor control, light bulbs, LED lights, DC motors, micro-pumps, solenoid valves and other equipment.

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This module has advanced quality timing chip control and accurate timing performance commonly used in car modification, motor control, light bulbs, LED lights, DC motors, micro-pumps, solenoid valves and other equipment.


  • Output Voltage: 5 V to 30 V
  • Operating Current: 50 mA
  • Operating Voltage: 12 V
  • Operating temperature: -40 oC to 85 oC
  • Size: 65 mm x 36 mm x 18 mm

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este bun dar nu ramane stabil pe o stare

Buna ziua, am achizitionat si eu vreo 4 bucati si intr-adevar e simplu de configurat dar nu deserveste scopul. In opinia mea un releu de temporizare inseamna ca este un circuit care pornetse un cronometru o data cu alimentarea la finalul caruia porneste un releu. Aici spre deosebire de afirmatia de mai sus porneste acel cronometru dar mai are un cronometru de oprire al releului (temporizare care nu poate fi oprita), practic nu este un circuit de start-up este mai degraba un generator de semnale dreptunghiulare cu frecventa foooarte joasa.

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12 V Relay with Timer and Display

12 V Relay with Timer and Display

This module has advanced quality timing chip control and accurate timing performance commonly used in car modification, motor control, light bulbs, LED lights, DC motors, micro-pumps, solenoid valves and other equipment.

See description for more details about the product.

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