Raspberry Pi Zero White and Red Case + Camera Adapter Cable View larger

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Raspberry Pi Zero White and Red Case + Camera Adapter Cable


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Raspberry Pi Zero/W case useful for protecting your little dev board and for use with Raspberry Pi cameras.

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The product represents the official case compatible with both Raspberry Pi Zero and Raspberry Pi Zero W. The case is absolutely necessary in order to protect your dev board because even the smallest metal object dropper on the board can make a short circuit resulting in permanently damaging the board.

As we are used to, Raspberry created a very small case, but with nice colors and shapes. The packet also contains a very useful accesory, the converter cable for Raspberry Pi cameras.

Also, a big plus is added by the three interchangeable lids used for different applications:

  1. The standard lid useful for perfect protection;
  2. The GPIO lid that can be used for HAT extensions;
  3. The camera lid used for integrate the camera in the case.


  • 1x Base (red)
  • 1x Standard Lid (white)
  • 1x GPIO Lid (white)
  • 1x Camera Lid (white)
  • 1x Short Camera Cable
  • 4x Rubber Feet

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Carcasă bună

Ca oricare altă carcasă oficială Raspberry Pi, și aceasta este suficient de bună pentru un Pi. Eu folosesc carcasa cu un Pi Zero 2 W și se potrivește perfect. Pi Zero 2 W se încălzește suficient cât să se simtă la mână, dar nu împiedică funcționarea.

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Raspberry Pi Zero White and Red Case + Camera Adapter Cable

Raspberry Pi Zero White and Red Case + Camera Adapter Cable

Raspberry Pi Zero/W case useful for protecting your little dev board and for use with Raspberry Pi cameras.

See description for more details about the product.

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