Sale! 1.75 mm, 1 kg PLA Filament for 3D Printer - Extra Black View larger

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1.75 mm, 1 kg PLA Filament for 3D Printer - Extra Black


New product

You can easily print with this PLA filament and it has a lower melting point than other materials. PLA is not a toxic material. It is a material that can be used for high resolution 3d printing.

See description for more details about the product.

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It's not necessary to use a heated bed when printing with this PLA filament and it sticks well to the glass bed or PCB bed with fixer or glue for printing without warping.


  • Material: PLA
  • Melting point: 190oC
  • Printing temperature: 190-230oC
  • Printing speed: 40-100 mm / s
  • Tolerance: ± 0.02 mm
  • Heating bed temperature: No heated bed or 40-60oC
  • Diameter: 1.75 mm
  • Total roll weight: 1.35 kg
  • Fiber weight: 1 kg
  • Color: Extra black

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Am printat aproximativ 3-4 role din acest filament si nu am avut nici o problema cu o imprimanta Anycubic Kobra Neo. Printez la 215-220 de grade cu 65 de grade pentru build plate.
De departe cel mai bun pret pentru filament PLA pe care l-am gasit pana acum. Recomand cu incredere

  • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.


Am printat aproximativ 3-4 role din acest filament si nu am avut nici o problema cu o imprimanta Anycubic Kobra Neo. Printez la 215-220 de grade cu 65 de grade pentru build plate.
De departe cel mai bun pret pentru filament PLA pe care l-am gasit pana acum. Recomand cu incredere



Am imprimat la 200 grade cu placa la 60 grade și iese perfect cu un Voxlab Aquila X2 (clonă Ender).

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

Calitate buna.

Primii metri sunt umezi, pentru ca stau pe exteriorul rolei. Dupa, totul iese curat. Sunt satisfacut cu calitatea filamentului.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

Filament ok

Filamentul se printeaza bine, dar necesita uscare inainte (se aud pocnituri in timpul printarii din hotend de la apa din filament)

Nu am vazut nicaieri mentionat, marca este Plusivo.

  • 3 out of 3 people found this review useful.

Calitate foarte buna!

Obiectele ies impecabil! Singura conditie este sa aveti suprafata de printare calibrata perfect! Am printat la 200 grade extruder + 50 grade pat.

  • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.

Filament ieftin si foarte bun

Am cumparat initial filament extra alb de la acelasi producator apoi am cumparat si negreu si am fost impresionat de calitate. Recomand acest tip de filament.

  • 3 out of 3 people found this review useful.

Filament bun

Este un filament bun

  • 4 out of 4 people found this review useful.

foarte multumit

Am printat foarte bine cu acest filament, spre deosebire de alte filamente de firma cu care am avut diverse probleme. In plus, pretul este foarte bun. Recomand

  • 4 out of 4 people found this review useful.

Foarte ok pentru pret

Filamentul se printează foarte bine cu ajutorul unei imprimante Ender 3.
Temperatura printare 195-200*
Rola mea a avut nevoie de uscare, altfel obiectele printate erau destul de fragile.

  • 14 out of 14 people found this review useful.

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1.75 mm, 1 kg PLA Filament for 3D Printer - Extra Black

1.75 mm, 1 kg PLA Filament for 3D Printer - Extra Black

You can easily print with this PLA filament and it has a lower melting point than other materials. PLA is not a toxic material. It is a material that can be used for high resolution 3d printing.

See description for more details about the product.

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