Adaptor PCB SOP20 SS0P20 TSSOP20 la DIP View larger

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SOP20, SSOP20 and TSSOP20 to DIP PCB Adapter


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Dual sided SOP20 and TSSOP20 to DIP PCB adapter, one side has pin pitch size 0.65 mm to 2.54 mm DIP, and other side is 1.27 mm to 2.54 mm DIP.

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This is a dual-sided SOP20 and TSSOP20 to DIP PCB adapter, one side has pin pitch size 0.65 mm to 2.54 mm DIP, and other side is 1.27 mm to 2.54 mm DIP.

This adapter has a unique design but still easy to use, and compatible with more ICs. After soldering the chip and pin headers, it can be plugged in directly into the breadboard.


  • Color: Green
  • Materials: Glass Fiber FR4-side
  • Dimensions: 17.8 mm x 25 mm

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Adaptor SOP20

"Distanța dintre pinii pinheader-elor este de 2.54mm, iar între pad-urile de la capsula SOP și SSOP/TSSOP de 0.65mm, respectiv 1.27mm, acestea fiind dimensiunile standard."

Distanta dintre pinii conectorilor adaptorului este standard (0.1" = 100 mils = 2,54 mm), ca la o capsula DIL (Dual In Line). In ultima vreme a intrat in vorbirea curenta expresia conector de tip "pin header".
In rest, adaptorul este de buna calitate, dar necesita atentie la lipirea circuitului integrat.

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SOP20, SSOP20 and TSSOP20 to DIP PCB Adapter

SOP20, SSOP20 and TSSOP20 to DIP PCB Adapter

Dual sided SOP20 and TSSOP20 to DIP PCB adapter, one side has pin pitch size 0.65 mm to 2.54 mm DIP, and other side is 1.27 mm to 2.54 mm DIP.

See description for more details about the product.

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