Sale! Red-Blue Panel Voltmeter and Amperemeter 0-100 V, 100 A with Shunt View larger

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Red-Blue Panel Voltmeter and Amperemeter 0-100 V, 100 A with Shunt


New product

Voltmeter and panel ammeter Red / Blue 0-100 V, 100 A shunt, useful for measuring voltages and high currents in applications that require mounting of the equipment on the panel.

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19 Items

34,99 lei
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-25,00 lei

59,99 lei tax incl.

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Technical specifications

  • Measured voltage: 0 - 100V
  • Measured current: 0 - 100A
  • Supply voltage: 4V - 30V
  • Voltage measurement error: ± 0.1%
  • Current measurement error: ± 1%
  • Shunt resistance: 75 mOhm
  • Current consumed: maximum 20mA
  • Refresh rate: 300ms
  • 0.28" dual display
  • Cable length: 15cm

Dimensions: 29 x 22 x 48mm

Mounting hole dimensions: 46 x 27mm

The product is useful for use in your mounts to monitor the power supply voltage and power consumption of a device. Also, its display is very easy to read and in low light.

This voltmeter and ammeter can be very easy to use when you build your own power supply, and can measure currents up to 100A with shunt.

If the measured voltages do not exceed those of the power supply, you can use the measured voltage to power the device.

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mΩ vs MΩ

mΩ = mili-ohm, deci e buna descrierea



Mai băieți acolo scrie ca 75 mohmi ci nu ohmi

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nici nu putea fi 75(Ohm) pentru ca 110(V)/75(Ohm)=1A

  • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.

Rezistenta shunt

Vedeti ca rezistenta shunt e de 0.75mOhm si nu de 75mOhm... ar fi resou la 100A...

  • 6 out of 7 people found this review useful.

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Red-Blue Panel Voltmeter and Amperemeter 0-100 V, 100 A with Shunt

Red-Blue Panel Voltmeter and Amperemeter 0-100 V, 100 A with Shunt

Voltmeter and panel ammeter Red / Blue 0-100 V, 100 A shunt, useful for measuring voltages and high currents in applications that require mounting of the equipment on the panel.

See description for more details about the product.

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