Keyboard Module View larger

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Keyboard Module


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Keyboard Module

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23 Items

18,44 lei
tax incl.

Valid in the limit of the available stock

The price includes the costs for collection, treatment and ellimination of WEEE

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  • Size: 7x5.2x0.9cm
  • Weight: 17g

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Are o configuratie interesanta a liniilor/coloanelor pe pini. :D

De la stanga la dreapta notati pinii (tinand tastatura normal, ca si in uz), ar fi asa:
- coloane: 4, 2, 6
- linii: 3, 8, 7, 5
- nefolositi: 1, 9

Daca esti taran cand lipesti, se exfoliaza usor traseele; am fost. E un produs ieftin, dar functional, daca e tratat cu grija.

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Keyboard Module

Keyboard Module

Keyboard Module

See description for more details about the product.

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