Digital Thermometer with Infrared View larger

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Digital Thermometer with Infrared


New product

This infrared thermometer can read temperatures between -50 oC and 330 oC. It can be used for pipes, motors, cooking surfaces, electrical components, swimming pools, food, air conditioning and much more.

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Description and specifications

Read temperatures quickly and easily with this thermometer. It has a very short response time, it can display temperatures in degrees Celsius or Fahrenheit, closes automatically and has a lighted display.

  • Data hold function
  • Automatic shutdown after 7 seconds of inactivity
  • Illuminated display
  • Reading time less than 500ms
  • Convert and display Celsius / Fahrenheit

It is simple, easy and safe to use. Because it does not need touch, it can be used for pipes, motors, cooking surfaces, electrical components, swimming pools, food, air conditioning and much more.

  • Measuring range from -50 oC to 400 oC
  • Accuracy: ± 1.5% or ± 1.5 oC
  • Resolution: ± 1% or ± 1 oC
  • Distance / point ratio: 12: 1
  • Emissivity: 0.95
  • Maximum power 0.5mW
  • Power supply: 2 x 1.5V AAA batteries
  • Dimensions: 140 x 85 x 35mm

The package contains the thermometer and the user manual.


Insert the batteries into the thermometer, opening the battery location in the handle. To open the handle, pull the black plastic next to the actuation button on the handle.

To turn on the device, press the button on the handle for a few seconds. To read the temperature, press and hold the button on the handle. To change the display from degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit, press the button below the screen in the center. To turn the guidance laser on or off, press the button below the screen on the left. To turn the screen illumination on or off, press the button below the screen on the right.

The device has an automatic shutdown function after a few seconds.

Careful!!! The surface distance ratio (D / S, the distance from the sensor to the surface on which the temperature is measured) is 12/1. This means that in order to have accurate measurements on a small area you need to bring the sensor as close as possible.

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Bun !

La prima vedere pare o jucarie dar raportul pret-funcționalitate este foarte bun. Pentru verificări rapide eventual mai grosiere a unor temperaturi este foarte util.

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Digital Thermometer with Infrared

Digital Thermometer with Infrared

This infrared thermometer can read temperatures between -50 oC and 330 oC. It can be used for pipes, motors, cooking surfaces, electrical components, swimming pools, food, air conditioning and much more.

See description for more details about the product.

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