XH-W1401 Digital Temperature Controller (Thermostat) View larger

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XH-W1401 Digital Temperature Controller (Thermostat) (12 V)


New product

This module has advanced quality timing chip control and accurate timing performance commonly used in car modification, control motor, light bulbs, LED lights, DC motors, micro-pumps, solenoid valves and other equipment.

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This module has advanced quality timing chip control and accurate timing performance commonly used in car modification, control motor, light bulbs, LED lights, DC motors, micro-pumps, solenoid valves and other equipment.


  • Output Voltage: 5 V to 30 V
  • Operating Current: 50 mA
  • Operating Voltage: 12 V
  • Operating temperature: -9oC to 99oC
  • Size: 65 mm x 36 mm x 18 mm

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Am achizitionat vreo 5 bucati pentru diverse automatizari pentru puffer, boiler, sistem de incalzire, etc.
Unul din ele functioneaza pe un boiler montat la exterior, nu a avut probleme cu umezeala de afara.
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XH-W1401 Digital Temperature Controller (Thermostat) (12 V)

XH-W1401 Digital Temperature Controller (Thermostat) (12 V)

This module has advanced quality timing chip control and accurate timing performance commonly used in car modification, control motor, light bulbs, LED lights, DC motors, micro-pumps, solenoid valves and other equipment.

See description for more details about the product.

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