2-Cell Li-Ion Battery Protection Board (7.4 V V, 3 A) View larger

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2-Cell Li-Ion Battery Protection Board (7.4 V V, 3 A)


New product

This card is used for Li-Ion batteries. The board has a high precision circuit for voltage detection and is based on a MOS transistor.

See description for more details about the product.

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Description and Specifications

Use this module to safely charge 7.4 V (3 A) Li-Ion batteries. It can detect voltage accurately, has three phases for over-current detection - overcurrent 1, overcurrent 2 and short-circuit.

  • Overload voltage: 4.25 V - 4.35 V ± 0.05 V
  • Overload load: 2.3 - 3 V ± 0.05 V
  • Maximum current: 3 A
  • Maximum current (peak): 5 A
  • Current consumption less than 3 uA
  • Life span of over 50000 hours
  • Internal resistance < 45m Ohm
  • Short-circuit protection
  • Dimensions: 36 x 6 x 1 mm

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Mod de utilizare

Am crezut ca modulul este defect, avand tensiune 0 la iesire, dar problema este lipsa informatiilor pe site.
Extras din datasheet-ul chip-ului de control HY2120
Notice: Discharging may not be enacted when the battery is first time connected. To regain
normal status, CS and VSS PIN must be shorted or the charger must be connected.

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2-Cell Li-Ion Battery Protection Board (7.4 V V, 3 A)

2-Cell Li-Ion Battery Protection Board (7.4 V V, 3 A)

This card is used for Li-Ion batteries. The board has a high precision circuit for voltage detection and is based on a MOS transistor.

See description for more details about the product.

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