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W5500 Ethernet Module


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This module can bring your project to the internet of things.

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12 Items

37,39 lei
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-20,00 lei

57,39 lei tax incl.

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This module can bring your project to the internet of things. It is very suitable for projects that require internet connections.


• High-speed SPI Interface: 80 MHz

• No need for advanced protocols

• It uses TCP IP

• Supports up to 8 Socket

Pin Header Function Description Pin Header Function Description
3.3 V 3.3 V power input pin 5 V 5 V power input pin
MISO SPI master input slave, output PIN CND Power ground pin
MISO SPI master output slave, output PIN RST W5500 hardware initialization Pin (active low)
SCS SPI slave selection (Active low) INT W5500 interrupt pin (active low)

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W5500 Ethernet Module

W5500 Ethernet Module

This module can bring your project to the internet of things.

See description for more details about the product.

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