IR Flame Sensor View larger

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IR Flame Sensor


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Flame sensor capable of detecting infrared and fire sources with wavelengths between 760 nm and 1100 nm.

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Technical specifications

  • Supply voltage: 3.3 V or 5 V
  • Current consumed: 15 mA
  • Detected wavelength: 760 nm - 1100 nm
  • Detection angle: 60o
  • Maximum distance: 80 cm

Dimensions: 32 x 14 mm

This sensor is useful for detecting the flame or other sources of radiation with the length of that range within that range.

The sensor uses an IR-based phototransistor.

The output of the sensor can be analogue or digital. The module is equipped with an integrated LM393 comparator circuit. The reference voltage of the comparator can be set from the potentiometer.

Instructions for use

The power supply can be 3.3 V or 5 V, depending on the development board used.

Communication with the development board is based on which output you use:

  • Digital: Connect the "D0" pin to a digital pin. This mode is easy to use because you need to use the "digitalRead (pin)" command to find out if the sensor detected a flame or not. Module sensitivity can be adjusted by means of a potentiometer mounted on the PCB.
  • Analogue: This mode is useful because you can learn the intensity of the flame so that the development board reacts differently depending on the intensity. Pin A0 connects to an analog pins.

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IR Flame Sensor

IR Flame Sensor

Flame sensor capable of detecting infrared and fire sources with wavelengths between 760 nm and 1100 nm.

See description for more details about the product.

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