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Plusivo Digital Multimeter Kit DM501D


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Multifunction and Autoranging: Measures AC/DC voltage, current, resistance, frequency, capacitance, temperature, test continuity, diode biases; suitable for industrial and household use; a must-have addition to your electrical and electronic tools.

High Quality Display: 6000 counts LCD display with backlight to see the values in dimly lit areas, with sampling speed of 3 times per second, with Overload indication OL, input polarity (-) and low battery indication, hold function for data retention.

Comes with Additional Items: Set of test leads, (5-in-1) normal and needle types of probes, crocodile clips, thermocouples, mini wire stripper tool, mini screwdrivers, electrical tape, user guide, ebook.

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Plusivo Autoranging Digital Multimeter - True RMS (6000 Counts)

The Plusivo DM501D Digital Multimeter is an ideal tool for electronics and electrical circuit debugging needs with test probes and various test leads, with added accessories. It is an autoranging multimeter that is easy to use and operate and can be used as multi tester for Car Battery Circuit, Voltmeter, Ammeter, Ohmmeter.

• ✓AC/DC Voltage ✓AC/DC Current ✓Resistance
• ✓Diode ✓Continuity ✓Frequency
• ✓Capacitance ✓Temperature ✓NCV
• ✓Backlight ✓Flashlight ✓Low Battery Indication.
• ✓Overload Protection ✓Data Hold
• ✓ Manual ✓ Flyer with claim code for the ebook

Autoranging Multimeter with lots of accessories

• 1 pc 6000 Counts Digital Multimeter
• 1 pair of Needle Test Probes
• 5-in-1 Test Leads
• 1 pc Thermocouple
• Red and Black Crocodile Clip
• 1 pc Mini Wire Stripper Tool
• 2 pcs mini screwdrivers
• 1 pc Black Insulating Tape


This uses three 1.5 V AAA batteries as the power source (not included). If the symbol appears on the instrument display, replace the battery immediately.


• Turn the rotary switch to the NCV position and place the top of the meter close to the conductor.
• Detected signal level: low-yellow, high-red), and the buzzer will send out alarms at different frequencies


1. Turn the knob to mV or V function, press "FUNC-Hz" to choose AC or DC.
2. Connect the black test pen to the COM jack and the red pen to the V jack.
3. Measure the voltage value of the circuit under test with the other two ends of the test pens. 4. Read the measurement result.

Support Stand with Holder for Probes

• Conveniently equipped with a kick-stand so that the multimeter can stand-alone for easy reading of measurements.
• Ergonomically shaped multimeter body that makes it easy to grip.
• The holder for probes is very convenient to use.

Temperature Measurement

1. Switch the knob to "oC/oF"and the meter will display the surrounding temperature.
2. Remove the test pens and connect the "COM" and "VΩmA" leads to the ends of the thermocouples with the correct polarity.
3. The meter will displays the approximate temperature from the thermocouple.

LCD with Backlight and Flashlight

6000 counts LCD display with backlight to see the values in dimly lit areas.

Don't delay. Buy today.

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Super bun

Este un multimetru foarte bun! Am testat cu ajutorul lui baterii, existenta circuitelor electrice in pereti, am masurat rezistente, continuitate si tensiune. Se misca foarte repede. Are un sunet strident pe care nu-l poti ignora.
- scalarea automata a unitatilor de masura nu e instanta=se face in cateva secunde.
- sunetul acela strident este prezent la orice miscare de roata sau buton(e putin deranjant daca lucrati noaptea si doriti sa pastrati linistea in casa)
- atat pe pagina produsului original, cat si aici este afisata o poza in care arata ca produsul vine cu baterii incluse(pe optimus e o poza in descriere, nu mai e poza de prezentare, din fericire-a fost schimbata dupa sesizare). Nu vine! Nu e capat de tara, sunt 3 baterii AAA ~= 3 lei. Nu e o problema a optimusdigital pentru ca pachetul a fost sigilat si asa l-am si primit, daca au fost omise atunci e de la Plusivo problema.
Recomand produsul calduros!

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Plusivo Digital Multimeter Kit DM501D

Plusivo Digital Multimeter Kit DM501D

Multifunction and Autoranging: Measures AC/DC voltage, current, resistance, frequency, capacitance, temperature, test continuity, diode biases; suitable for industrial and household use; a must-have addition to your electrical and electronic tools.

High Quality Display: 6000 counts LCD display with backlight to see the values in dimly lit areas, with sampling speed of 3 times per second, with Overload indication OL, input polarity (-) and low battery indication, hold function for data retention.

Comes with Additional Items: Set of test leads, (5-in-1) normal and needle types of probes, crocodile clips, thermocouples, mini wire stripper tool, mini screwdrivers, electrical tape, user guide, ebook.

See description for more details about the product.

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