5 mm Red LED with Diffused Lens View larger

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5 mm Red LED with Diffused Lens


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These 5 mm red LEDs are great for new projects and for prototyping. With this pack, you'll never be short of LEDs.

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The LED's are semiconductor devices that emit light when the current is being transmitted.

Those LEDS are commonly used for miniature timers, road stop signs and more. Its diffused lens gives a wider viewing angle of the red light.

LEDs do not allow reverse current flow if fed. With right current, they open after the voltage at the terminals exceeded a certain threshold value (allow the current to pass and light, the light intensity being proportional to the current). 

The opening threshold depends on the color of the LED, increasing from red (about 2.1 - 2.4 volts) to blue / white (about 3.2 - 3.8 volts)


  • Pin length: >20 mm
  • Diameter: 5 mm
  • Forward Voltage : 1.9 - 2.3 V
  • Forward Current: 5 mA - 18 mA

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5 mm Red LED with Diffused Lens

5 mm Red LED with Diffused Lens

These 5 mm red LEDs are great for new projects and for prototyping. With this pack, you'll never be short of LEDs.

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