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This 10 W LED with 4000 K to 4500 K color temperature is widely used in various electronic products. It is ideal to use as LED light in your projects.
See description for more details about the product.
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This 10 W LED with 4000 K to 4500 K color temperature is widely used in various electronic products. It is ideal to use as LED light in your projects.
Color temperature can be measured by unit of K (kelvin). It describes how the light appears to our eyes by just looking at the light bulb. As the heat added the color of the bulb will change from red,yellow,white to bluish white.
Dupa mai multe experimente am observat ca cel mai ok este combinatia intre un led 4000-4500K si unul de 6000-6500K. In felul asta se obtine lumina cu adevarat ok pentru ochiul nostru. Avem nevoie de o lumina de 5000-5500K si tocmai din cauza asta am facut combinatia dintre cele doua si chiar este ok. O lumina mai buna decat a celor cu 4k si 6k. Insa ledul va ramane doar un led si nu cred ca va fi capabil sa faca o lumina mai buna decat un bec incandescent. Oricat de puternic este ledul, are o frecventa ciudata. Dar consuma mult, mult mai putin :) si asta este foarte bine. Nu recomand sa lucrezi la lumina unui led cand iti folosesti foarte mult concentrarea ochilor. Iti vor obosi ochii mult mai repede. Ma refer la orice tip de led.
Foarte bun!
Recomand 4000-4500K deoarece este o lumina la care ochiul poate vedea mult mai bine detaliile.
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