1.44" LCD Module (128x128 px) Red View larger

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1.44" LCD Module (128x128 px) Red


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1.44" LCD Module (128x128 px) Red

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1.44" LCD Module (128x128 px) Red

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ESP8266 NodeMCU v0.9

NodeMCU v0.9 and ESP8266
library:  https://github.com/sumotoy/TFT_ILI9163C
issue  http://www.esp8266.com/viewtopic.php?f=29&t=6828&start=52

1 solution:
in TFT_ILI9163C_settings.h
#define __OFFSET 32//*see note 2
#define __OFFSET 0//*see note 2

other solution ... might work for other:
I eventually made it work... It was as simple as declaring it as BLACK_PCB in the settings file:

#define __144_BLACK_PCB__//128x128

nice sketch to start with: https://gist.github.com/daveting/18628e153a107f7118fae96afb53c41c

In sumotoy examples, replace:

#define __CS 10
#define __DC 9
TFT_ILI9163C tft = TFT_ILI9163C(__CS, __DC);


#define CS D4
#define DC D2
#define RST D1
// Declare an instance of the ILI9163
TFT_ILI9163C tft = TFT_ILI9163C(CS, RST, DC);

/*Connections to NodeMCU
LED to 3V3
SCK to D5
SDA to D7
A0/DC to D2
RST to D1
CS to D4
VCC to 3V3

enhanced faster Adafruit_GFX compatible 100% https://github.com/sumotoy/Adafruit_GFX/

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1.44" LCD Module (128x128 px) Red

1.44" LCD Module (128x128 px) Red

1.44" LCD Module (128x128 px) Red

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