2.8" SPI LCD Module with Touchscreen with ILI9341 and XPT2046 Controller (240x320 px) View larger
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2.8" SPI LCD Module with Touchscreen with ILI9341 and XPT2046 Controller (240x320 px)


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2.8" SPI LCD Module with Touchscreen with ILI9341 and XPT2046 Controller (240x320 px)

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Technical Specifications

  • Supply voltage: 3.3 V
  • Diagonal: 2.8 Inch (~ 7.11 cm)
  • Resolution: 240 * 320
  • LCD driver: ILI9341
  • Touch driver: XPT2046
  • Communication protocol: SPI

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Cateva observatii: prima schema de conectare (cea fara touch) este incompleta. Pinii CS0/1 trebuie conectati - macar cs0... altfel sunt probleme.

In comparatie cu cel fara touch, se observa diferenta de luminozitate (touch rezistiv). Asa ca, daca nu e nevoie de touch, celalalt este mai bun.

Nu folositi pt sisteme pe 5v. Daca totusi insistati, este important translatorul de nivel. Rezistente divizoare sau placutele cu un tranzistor nu sunt adecvate. Probabil txe08 este ok.... cum spuneam, controllerul este reusit, e pacat sa pierdeti performanta in translatorul de nivel.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.


Testat pe un modul WIFI NodeM ESP8266 (trebuie un nivel logic 3.3V) in Arduino IDE. Avantajul acestui TFT este ca ocupa pt. TFT+touch numai 10 pini. Ultimul pin BLK trecut in LOW stinge ecranul, (nu am reusit PWM), deci este optional.

  • 9 out of 12 people found this review useful.

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2.8" SPI LCD Module with Touchscreen with ILI9341 and XPT2046 Controller (240x320 px)

2.8" SPI LCD Module with Touchscreen with ILI9341 and XPT2046 Controller (240x320 px)

2.8" SPI LCD Module with Touchscreen with ILI9341 and XPT2046 Controller (240x320 px)

See description for more details about the product.

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