2.2" 240x320 px SPI LCD View larger

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2.2" 240x320 px SPI LCD


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This SPI LCD 2.2" 240x320 px based controller is compatible with ILI9341. This SPI LCD module is a perfect way to add a small, colorful, and bright screen to your project

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This SPI LCD 2.2" 240x320 px based controller is compatible with ILI9341. This SPI LCD module is a perfect way to add a small, colorful, and bright screen to your project. The screen has 4-wire SPI communication and has its own buffer for the addresses of pixels. It can be used with all microprocessors.


  • TFT LCD screen with a diagonal dimension of 2.2"
  • Built-in micro SD slot
  • 320 x 240 resolution with 18-bit (262,144) colors
  • Controller with built-in buffer for pixel addresses ILI9340 (datasheet) 
  • Datasheet screen
  • 4-wire SPI interface, to communicate with 8-bit Arduino library
  • 5 V compatible. Use with 3.3 V to 5 V
  • 3.3 V voltage regulator 150 mA embedded LDO
  • Maximum Dimensions: 40.63 mm / 1.59" x 66.35 mm / 2.61" x 6.05 mm / 0.23
  • LCD Dimensions: 55.23 mm / 2.17" x 40 mm / 1.57" x 2.46 mm / 0.09"
  • Weight: 18.43 g

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cu lib. TFT_eSPI si ESP32
pana la 100fps si 33MHz SPI frecv



Un display bun.
Este bazat pe controllerul ILI9341.
Atentie insa: display-ul are ca tensiune maxima 3.3V. Ceea ce inseamna ca are nevoie atat de alimentare la 3.3V dar si pinii de date au nevoie tot de 3.3V. Este recomandat sa folositi un CD4050 daca aveti o placa de dezvoltare (ex. Arduino) care functioneaza la 5V.
Am reusit sa comunic in modul SPI HW cu libraria ADAFRUI ILI9341(https://github.com/adafruit/Adafruit_ILI9341)

Daca folositi libraria Adafruit, in exemplul "graphictest", la pinii HW spi trebuiesc declarati pinii pe care ati conectat DC, CS si RST, dar in exemplu, lipseste pinul de reset... (vezi mai jos:)

Initial, astfel sunt declarati pinii pentru HW SPI:
#define TFT_DC 9
#define TFT_CS 10

// Use hardware SPI (on Uno, #13, #12, #11) and the above for CS/DC
Adafruit_ILI9341 tft = Adafruit_ILI9341(TFT_CS, TFT_DC);

la mine a functionat cu urmatoarea modificare:
#define TFT_DC 9
#define TFT_CS 10

// Use hardware SPI (on Uno, #13, #12, #11) and the above for CS/DC
Adafruit_ILI9341 tft = Adafruit_ILI9341(10, 9, 8);

Unde 10 -pinul DC al display-ului, 9 - pinul CS si 8 pinul Reset al display-ului.

NU UITATI de level shifter-ul 4050. In caz contrar, display-ul va ramane alb.

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2.2" 240x320 px SPI LCD

2.2" 240x320 px SPI LCD

This SPI LCD 2.2" 240x320 px based controller is compatible with ILI9341. This SPI LCD module is a perfect way to add a small, colorful, and bright screen to your project

See description for more details about the product.

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