Sale! Hookup Wire Kit (6 colors, 5m each, AWG18, Solid Wire) PVC Jacket View larger

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Hookup Wire Kit (6 colors, 5m each, AWG18, Solid Wire) PVC Jacket


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Hookup Wire Kit (6 colors, 5m each, AWG18, Solid Wire) PVC Jacket

Choose insulation:

PVC (Solid Wire)    Silicon (Stranded Wire)

Choose diameter:

18 AWG 20 AWG 22 AWG 24 AWG 30 AWG

See description for more details about the product.

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$13.44 tax incl.

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Hookup Wire Kit (6 colors, 5m each, AWG18, Solid Wire) PVC Jacket

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Hookup Wire Kit (6 colors, 5m each, AWG18, Solid Wire) PVC Jacket

Hookup Wire Kit (6 colors, 5m each, AWG18, Solid Wire) PVC Jacket

Hookup Wire Kit (6 colors, 5m each, AWG18, Solid Wire) PVC Jacket

Choose insulation:

PVC (Solid Wire)    Silicon (Stranded Wire)

Choose diameter:

18 AWG 20 AWG 22 AWG 24 AWG 30 AWG

See description for more details about the product.

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