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ACS712 30 A Current Sensor


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ACS712 30 A Current Sensor

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1. Current sensor chip: ACS712ELC-30 A

2, pin 5 V power supply, on-board power indicator

3, the module can measure positive and negative 30 amp current, corresponding to the analog output 66 mV / A

4. When no detection current is passed, the output voltage is VCC/2

5. PCB board size: 31 (mm) x 13 (mm)

Note: ACS712 is based on the principle of Hall detection, please try to avoid the influence of the magnetic field when using!

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@Marian A

Da prietene stiu ca este bidirectional, dar Vout al modululi este Vin/2, recte 5V tensiunea de referinta Arduino/2 care reprezinta 2.5V sau tensiune de offset. Cum ADC-ul Arduino are tensiunea de offset sau de pornire, ideala 0V, pentru a converti tensiunea in valori numerice, este normal ca tensiunea Vout de 2.5V a senzorului sa reprezinte un nou offset. Am testat senzorul pe semnal AC, iar daca-l pui pe osciloscop si iti configurezi placa de achizitie de date ADC ai sa intelegi ce vorbesc eu aici.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

@Viorel A

Acel 2.5 V nu este un offset, este faptul ca este un senzor bidirectional. Cand curentul are sens contrar voltajul de iesire scade pana la 0 in functie de cat curent ai prin circuit

  • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.

F. bun

Un senzor de curent foarte precis de la allegro si destul de ieftin care are si offset la 2.5V pentru Arduino.

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ACS712 30 A Current Sensor

ACS712 30 A Current Sensor

ACS712 30 A Current Sensor

See description for more details about the product.

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