Night Vision Camera for Raspberry Pi with Adjustable Focus 160 ° View larger

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Night Vision Camera for Raspberry Pi with Adjustable Focus 160 °


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This is a camera compatible with any version of Raspberry Pi with infrared night vision. Its focus is also adjustable depending on the user's preference/object distance.

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This is a camera compatible with any version of Raspberry Pi with infrared night vision. Its focus is also adjustable depending on the user's preference/object distance.


  • 500 million pixels
  • Sensing chip OV5647
  • Focal Length: adjustable
  • Diagonal Angle: 160 degrees
  • Screw holes
  • Can be used for fixed position
  • Support 3.3 V external power supply
  • Support access to infrared light or fill light

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O camera excelenta

Folosesc aceasta camera impreuna cu un Pi Zero 2W si libraria libcamera. A trebuit sa achizitionez cablul special pentru Pi Zero din pachetul cu carcasa Pi, pentru ca cel cu care vine camera se potriveste doar pentru modelele mai mari Pi 4&5.

Softul se foloseste foarte usor atat direct din comenzi libcamera (se poate porni intr-un minut si un flux video rtsp), dar si cu python.

Pentru ca are senzorii de noapte am printat o carcasa al caruit model se gaseste gratuit pe internet.

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Night Vision Camera for Raspberry Pi with Adjustable Focus 160 °

Night Vision Camera for Raspberry Pi with Adjustable Focus 160 °

This is a camera compatible with any version of Raspberry Pi with infrared night vision. Its focus is also adjustable depending on the user's preference/object distance.

See description for more details about the product.

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