LCD and Keypad Shield for Arduino View larger

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LCD and Keypad Shield for Arduino


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This shield is an extension board for the Arduino Uno and contains a mini keyboard and LCD.

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Data sheet

Weight 53.95

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Instructions for use

1. Mount the shield on the development board.

In the images attached below you can see the shield mounted on an Arduino development board.

CAREFUL!!! Be sure to mount the shield properly, as this may damage the module. To check this, you can check that the analog pins on the shield (marked with A0 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5) are inserted into the corresponding pins on the Arduino development board.

2. Upload a code to the development board.

After installing the shield, you can upload a code to test its functionality. It is recommended that the pins used by the LCD and buttons not be used by other components, such as sensors, so that there may be interference.

LCD pins used:

  • RS - digital pin 8;
  • EN - digital pin 9;
  • D7 - digital pin 7;
  • D6 - digital pin 6;
  • D5 - digital pin 5;
  • D4 - digital pin 4.

The buttons use the analog pin A0.

For more details on how to use this shield, see the code attached below. It includes comments explaining how this shield works.

If you have loaded the code on the development board and the characters are not displayed properly, the brightness of the LCD may not be appropriate. This can be adjusted via the blue potentiometer installed on the shield.

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Reglare lumina

Este mai bine cu lumina slaba dar daca se stinge de tot nu se vede nimic.
,,Nu folositi pinul D10 ca output/high sau pwm ca faceti scurt in shield (vezi datasheetul shieldului)"
Ba eu am folosit analogWrite(10, 80); si merge foarte bine. Pinul 10 merge la rezistente de valoare mare, 4,7kOhm, deci nu se poate intampla nimic rau


de retinut

Trebuie sa tineti cont de ce s-a postat anterior, dar in primul rand de declaratia: LiquidCrystal lcd(8, 9, 4, 5, 6, 7); Nu am dat 5 stele pentru ca albastrul LCD-ului este enervant (cei care au proiectat LCD-ul cred ca nu aveau cunostinta despre culori; rosu cred ca era mai suportabil....) si alta culoare nu aveau.

  • 8 out of 16 people found this review useful.

Potentiometru contrast

Rotiti potentiometrul de contrast catre dreapta mult, altfel nu se afiseaza nimic.
Folositi exemplul de aici:
Range-urile pentru tastatura analogica difera. Le puteti determina folosind exemplul din link

  • 19 out of 19 people found this review useful.

merge bine dar cu ceva atentie

Shield-ul este proiectat pentru necesitati multiple iar lumina porneste automat daca nu e folosit pinul D10. Setati pinul D10 output/low ca sa stingeti lumina, iar ca s-o aprindeti setati pinul ca input sau nu-l declarati deloc. Nu folositi pinul D10 ca output/high sau pwm ca faceti scurt in shield (vezi datasheetul shieldului).

  • 19 out of 19 people found this review useful.

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LCD and Keypad Shield for Arduino

LCD and Keypad Shield for Arduino

This shield is an extension board for the Arduino Uno and contains a mini keyboard and LCD.

See description for more details about the product.

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