DC-DC Boost Module with USB Input, Display and Adjustable Voltage View larger

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DC-DC Boost Module with USB Input, Display and Adjustable Voltage


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DC-DC Boost Module with USB Input, Display and Adjustable Voltage

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  • Input: USB/microUSB (5 V)
  • Output: 1.2 ~ 24 V
  • Button ON/OFF output
  • Maximum power: 1.2 ~ 2 V (2 W), 2 ~ 20 V (3 W), 20 ~ 24 V (2.5 W)

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Sursa decenta recomandata pana la max 3W

Am alimentat cu ea un ventilator de procesor (12V) utilizand un power bank. Are o eroare de ~0.3V fata de valoarea afisata. I-am facut o carcasa care se poate descarca de la: https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4768539

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DC-DC Boost Module with USB Input, Display and Adjustable Voltage

DC-DC Boost Module with USB Input, Display and Adjustable Voltage

DC-DC Boost Module with USB Input, Display and Adjustable Voltage

See description for more details about the product.

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