XL6009 DC-DC Boost Module View larger

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XL6009 DC-DC Boost Module


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A voltage boost that can boost the voltage with a very good output.

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This module is very good to lift the tension in your applications. If you have a circuit that works at more voltages and you only have a 5 V source, with this boost source you can get much higher voltages.

To work at full capacity, you need to offer a better heat dissipation.

The empty current is only 18 mA. The output voltage can be adjusted from the potentiometer.


  • Input voltage: 3 V to 32 V
  • Output voltage: 5 V to 35 V
  • Maximum Input Current: 4 A
  • Operating Frequency: 400 kHz
  • Maximum efficiency: 94 %
  • Ripped at output: 50 mV
  • Dimensions: 43 mm x 21 mm x 14 mm

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foarte ok

foarte ok si stabile , dar 0 protectie la scurtcircuit/ suprasarcina

  • 9 out of 9 people found this review useful.

foarte bun

Desi in datasheet XL6009 functioneaza de la 5V, in realitate a mers fara probleme peste 3.6V. Sub 3.6V la intrare si cu sarcina la iesire sursa nu mai functioneaza corect. Un produs foarte bun!

  • 30 out of 31 people found this review useful.

F. bune

Cred ca daca as avea bani as cumpara mii de surse d'astea. Este incredibil cat de practice, ieftine si stabile sunt. Am folosit cateva zeci numai in proiecte hobby cu Arduino.

  • 24 out of 24 people found this review useful.

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XL6009 DC-DC Boost Module

XL6009 DC-DC Boost Module

A voltage boost that can boost the voltage with a very good output.

See Description for more details about the product.

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