250 W Boost DC-DC Converter View larger

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250 W Boost DC-DC Converter


New product

This 250 W boost DC-DC converter can easily provide the necessary power output for your embedded systems and it is a convenient solution for most of your project that require high power.

See description for more details about the product.

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29,97 lei
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This 250 W boost DC-DC converter can easily provide the necessary power output for your embedded systems and it is a convenient solution for most of your project that requires high power.

It can be used for boost chargers, universal power supply for embedded systems and more.


  • Mode step-up (boost)
  • Input Voltage: 8.5 V to 48 V
  • Output Voltage: 12 V to 50 V (adjustable)
  • Output Current: 10 A (max) - is recommended to use a ventilator for more than 6 A
  • Constant Current: 0.2 A to 8 A
  • Efficiency: 96 %
  • Frequency: 150 kHz
  • Temperature: - 40 oC to + 85 oC
  • Response Speed: 5% 200 mS
  • Reverse polarity protection
  • Dimensions: 70 x 46 x 13 mm

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oscilatie / protectie

la diferente intrare-iesire mai mari de aprox 10V, iesirea intra intr-un fel de oscilatie, probabil din cauza unei protectii care se activeaza desi nu ar trebui.

  • 2 out of 2 people found this review useful.

Re: Nelu S

Da , pana la 100W se poate folosi asa cum este , chiar si fara radiator suplimentar ( oricum , inainte de a-l aseza intr-o carcasa , faceti o proba de 1/2 ora , pentru a verifica temperatura.., nu se stie niciodata...). Daca vreti 19-21 V dintr-o baterie auto , atunci e O.K. Succes !

  • 15 out of 15 people found this review useful.


Adrian ,100 de w duce lejer la un laptop ?

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

Re: Sorin Popa- Boost Convertor

Scuze de intarziere , n-am mai intrat pe site de ceva vreme...Optimizarea nu este foarte laborioasa , e nevoie de rabdare si mana sigura pentru lipituri de calitate .
Pentru informatii de calitate si o mai buna comunicare acest site nu este cea mai buna solutie , asa ca ma puteti contacta pe adresa de email : celadria_maril@yahoo.com
si va raspund la orice intrebari , cu cea mai mare placere !

  • 6 out of 8 people found this review useful.

booster 250w

Adrian V., spune-mi si me, te rog, cum ai reusit sa il optimizezi? Ce tor de ferita ai folosit? Acelasi si l-ai rebobinat trifilar pe infasurare? Ce grosime a sarmei ai pus? Ai pus radiator suplimentar?


Boost Convertor 250W

De departe cel mai bun boost convertor de pe piata ! Nu merge chiar la 250W , dar cu modificarea bobinei ( miez T184-52 , bobinaj bi sau trifilar si un radiator pe masura ) am obtinut peste 200W (doua led-uri de 100W , in paralel , Vin 19V , Vout 36V , Iout 6A ) , temperatura dupa 2 ore de functionare :47 grade !!!
Ideea ambazei de aluminiu este geniala , racirea este extrem de eficienta.
Un produs excelent , mai bun decat convertoarele de 600W(!!!) de pe piata !

  • 9 out of 9 people found this review useful.

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250 W Boost DC-DC Converter

250 W Boost DC-DC Converter

This 250 W boost DC-DC converter can easily provide the necessary power output for your embedded systems and it is a convenient solution for most of your project that require high power.

See description for more details about the product.

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