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Useful adjustable low voltage power supply to power different projects and observe on-screen tensions.
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Dimensions: 65.6 x 40 x 25 mm;
Weight: 77 grams.
The voltage source can have several destinations, such as its simple use as a lowering voltage source, use as a battery charger (Caution: a diode must be added to the output to avoid battery return), the use as an LED- or as a USB device feeder.
Careful! If you notice that the measurements on the screen are not correct, the voltage source must be calibrated.
Voltage: Starting with the power supply off, hold down the SET button, the source will turn on and the screen will flash; at this point, you must stop pressing the button. To change the displayed voltage, you must press the SET button to increment and the OK button to decrease. After the calibration has finished, you have to wait two seconds and the value will be automatically saved. At this point you can turn off the power supply.
Current: Starting with the power supply off, hold down the OK button , the power will turn on and the screen will flash; at this point, you must stop pressing the button. To change the displayed intensity, you must press the SET button to increment and the OK button to decrease. After the calibration has finished, you have to wait two seconds and the value will be automatically saved. At this point you can turn off the power supply.
Caution: To ensure that the devices are properly powered on the USB socket, please check the port voltage before connecting.
The package contains
The cooler in the image is not included.
Sursa coboratoare perfecta pt. orice aplicatie.
Am cumparat cateva si sunt f. multumit, raspunde prompt la toate comenzile! Recomand!!
alimentare cooler
@Doru C - pui un 7805 pentru ventilatoare pe 5v sau un 7812 pentru cele la 12v chiar la intrare in sursa cu conditia ca intrarea sa fie sub 28V
alimentare ventilator
sursa e frumoasa, desteapta, dar ventilatorul trebuie alimentat separat. Daca ai iesire 5V sau 12V pui ventilator 5 sau 12 alimentat direct la iesire, dar ce te faci daca iesirea iti trebuie peste 15v
Excelenta ....
.... pentru a obtine 13,8V de la o baterie portabila si incarcari de maxim 3A pe intervale de scurte de timp, 30 sec - 1 minut, alternind cu pauze similare. Pentru o incarcare mai mare si pe durate mai mari, ventilatorul este obligatoriu.
Scop usb
@vlad, usb-ul este a doua iesire pe langa cea principala, desi odata activat, U si A sunt la fel cu U si A principal, poti folosi usb-ul pentru a controla incarcarea sau a monitoriza incarcarea unui telefon, poti limita curentul incarcarii telefonului spre exemplu
alta intrebare
Se pot achizitiona datele despre tensiune si curent prin usb/serial?
pentru vlad
USB-ul poate fi folosit sa incarci orice dispozitiv ce se incarca normal de la USB
atentie, se porneste din setari iar tensiunea si curentul sunt la fel cu iesirea principala, deci este un USB la care ii reglezi tu tensiunea si curentul, e util daca vrei sa vezi cu ce curent incarca telefonul, sau daca vrei sa-i limitezi incarcarea
Pentru ce este usb-ul?
E foarte buna doar ca nu vine cu nici un fel de instructiune. As vrea sa stiu pentru ce este usb-ul
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