5 A Power Supply with Adjustable Current and Voltage View larger

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5 A Power Supply with Adjustable Current and Voltage


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This is a power supply with adjustable current and voltage module which is used to adjust and monitor the output voltage with the use of numerical LED display.

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This is a power supply with adjustable current and voltage module which is used to adjust and monitor the output voltage with the use of numerical LED display. It is suitable for any projects that requires a constant flow of electricity.


  • IN- -> negative input
  • IN + -> positive entry
  • OUT- -> negative output
  • OUT + -> exit positive


  • Voltage: 5 V to 30 V
  • Output Voltage: 0.8 V to 29 V
  • Output Current: 5 A max
  • Current: 15 mA
  • Efficiency: 95%
  • Frequency: 300 KHz
  • Operating Temperature: -40 oC to + 85 oC
  • Dimensions: 51 mm x 26.3 mm x 14 mm

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o sursa utila

E una din putinele surse de pe piata de larg consum capabile sa trimita pe o interfata valorile de curent si tesiune. Sigur precizia nu formidabila dar pentru nevoi de hobby e suficienta. O precizare : codul sursa pt citirea curentului ar trebui modificat pt octetul 5 nu 4.

  • 4 out of 4 people found this review useful.


Sursa are la baza convertorul buck XL4005. Poate ajuta pe cineva informatia.

  • 10 out of 11 people found this review useful.


Deci sa inteleg ca pe portul serial al sursei eu pot sa citesc tensiunea de iesire si curentul consumat? Ma ajuta cineva cu niste informatii in plus despre cum si ce date se achizitioneaza cu sursa asta?


TIp de Sursa

Sursa Este Step Down, deci fata de tensiunea de intrare poate debita doar o tensiune mai mica.
Pacat ca nu este scris in descriere

  • 8 out of 10 people found this review useful.

Sursa 5A cu tensiue reglabila

Am cumparat aceasta sursa,care are doi conectori in partea de sus,despre care nu se vorbeste nimic,nu se da nici schema asa ca nu stiu la ce folosesc.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.


dupa cum se vede in poza pare a fi un buck converter adica step up si step down

  • 1 out of 6 people found this review useful.

Tip de sursa

Est o sursa Step up sau o sursa step down, aceasta informatie este necesara pentru alegerea alimentarii.

  • 1 out of 1 people found this review useful.

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5 A Power Supply with Adjustable Current and Voltage

5 A Power Supply with Adjustable Current and Voltage

This is a power supply with adjustable current and voltage module which is used to adjust and monitor the output voltage with the use of numerical LED display.

See description for more details about the product.

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