Mini-360 Step Down DC-DC Module View larger

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Mini-360 Step Down DC-DC Module


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This is a step-down DC-DC module that helps you in lowering the voltage to very good efficiency.

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  • Input voltage: 4.75 V - 23 V
  • Output Voltage: 1 V - 17 V
  • Maximum output current constantly at 1.8 A
  • Maximum peak output current: 3 A
  • Efficiency: up to 96%
  • Operating Frequency: 340 kHz
  • Output voltage pickup: 30 mV (when idle)
  • Maximum voltage error: 2.5%
  • Operating temperature: -40 ~ + 85 degrees Celsius
  • Dimensions: 17 x 11 x 3.8 mm

This DC-DC step down module is a low-voltage switching power supply which makes the energy losses very small. It is step-down so the output voltage is less than the input voltage. While operating in sync mode, the output voltage can be achieved as low as 1 V with very good efficiency up to 96%.

Having very small dimensions and supporting a current up to 1.8 A continuously, it can be easily included in a wide range of projects.

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foarte bun, super exceptional.

  • 3 out of 4 people found this review useful.

perfect pentru incarcator USB 12V

L-am folosit pentru un incarcator alimentat la 12V, cu 2 iesiri USB. Foarte multumit. 5 lei + cateva fire si un conector USB cu 2 porturi: un incarcator USB excelent si ieftin pentru orice smartphone.

  • 9 out of 9 people found this review useful.

Informatii gresite

Am cumparat azi, 2 bucati. Produsul este diferit (cip si descriere).

Chipset: CXW8509
Input voltage: 4.75V-23V
Output voltage: 1V-17V
Output current: peak 2A, continuous 1.5A
Power : 10W
Efficiency: up to 95% (@ Vin=5V, Vout=3.3V, Iout=300mA)
Switching frequency: 340KHz
Output ripple: 30mV (no load)
Supply current: 1.5mA (no load)
Working temperature: -40℃ ~ +85℃
Module Size: 17*11*4mm

  • 8 out of 8 people found this review useful.

mic si puternic
eu am cumparat 3bucati, singura problema e chinuiala la reglaj (daca se pune un potentiometru multitura este perfect)

  • 8 out of 8 people found this review useful.


Desi chip-ul ar trebui sa suporte 3 A pe iesire la peste 1A placa se incalzeste foarte mult , randamentul e in zona 80-85%. La 2A dupa un minut intra in protectie termica. Problema e doar cu incalzirea , nu apare limitare in curent nici la 3A , e posibil sa mearga daca lipiti placa pe un radiator. Aveti grija cu semireglabilul , se rupe foarte usor.

  • 9 out of 9 people found this review useful.

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Mini-360 Step Down DC-DC Module

Mini-360 Step Down DC-DC Module

This is a step-down DC-DC module that helps you in lowering the voltage to very good efficiency.

See description for more details about the product.

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