HC-SR04+ Ultrasonic Distance Sensor (3.3 V and 5 V Compatible) View larger

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HC-SR04+ Ultrasonic Distance Sensor (3.3 V and 5 V Compatible)


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This sensor is the enhanced version of the well-known HC-SR04 season sensor, a sensor used in a wide range of projects, obstacle detection, distance measurement and much more.

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Description and Specifications

  • Working voltages: 3-5.5 V (DC)
  • Maximum angle 15 degrees
  • Detection radius:
    • Powered at 5 V: 2 cm-450 cm
    • Powered at 3.3 V: 2 cm-400 cm
  • Maximum accuracy 0.3 cm
  • Input trigger: TTL pulse, 10u
  • Output signal: TTL PWL
  • The state-of-the-art operational amplifier, SGM324, enables both voltage levels (3.3-5 V) and lower current consumption, 3 mA.
  • The software and hardware are compatible with HC-SR04 - it can be replaced directly in your project.

The sensor is very easy to use, with only 4 pins: VCC and GND, which are used for power and two digital pins, used for the trigger and the echo.

Operating principle: This module outputs 40 kHz at 40 kHz and measures the return time, outputs a signal with the amplitude to which it is powered. By measuring the time of the high signal, the distance is determined.

The calculation formula is: Distance = (high-time x sound speed (340 m / s)) / 2.

Caution: When using, first connect the table to avoid sensor malfunction.

Dimensions: 45.4 x 26.2 x 18 mm.

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HC-SR04+ Ultrasonic Distance Sensor (3.3 V and 5 V Compatible)

HC-SR04+ Ultrasonic Distance Sensor (3.3 V and 5 V Compatible)

This sensor is the enhanced version of the well-known HC-SR04 season sensor, a sensor used in a wide range of projects, obstacle detection, distance measurement and much more.

See description for more details about the product.

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